Gun Fights and Films - The Matrix Trilogy
Today we have decided to take a look at The Matrix Trilogy. Known for incredible graphics, plot twists and amazing martial arts, The Matrix also features a hail of gunfire in all three films. The first film was released in 1999 and was written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers. In these flicks we watch as Neo has his everyday world shattered as he discovers the truth behind the smoke screen of The Matrix. We are also introduced to Agent Smith, Morpheus & Trinity. Presented with a blue pill and a red pill, Neo must decide if he wants to enter this rabbit hole or walk away. Our hero takes the red pill, finds out who he really is and our adventure in thrilling science fiction begins. This journey takes us through two more films, a dystopian society and reveals Zion. Today we focus on the best scenes featuring gun fights.

#1 The Matrix: Karate, amazing weapons, bending spoons to realize there is no spoon, fights with Agent Smith, these are the first things that come to mind when I think of this film. In particular I think about the scene in the lobby between Neo, Trinity and tons of guards. A variety of guns are used in this extended scene so we'll look at a couple of them.
Neo picks up a Heckler & Koch MP5K in the virtual armory.
In the lobby scene, Neo uses a pair of Heckler and Koch MP5Ks to eliminate the first set of guards.
We see Trinity picking out guns in the virtual armory as well and it gives a glimpse as to just what's in it.
Behind Trinity: On the top shelf are six Heckler & Koch MP5Ks, six Glock pistols, and six Beretta 92FS pistols. On the second shelf are four M16 rifles (one with a 30 round magazine), three Australian Owen Submachine guns with Late War Camo paint pattern, two M1928A1 Thompsons, an M1928 Thompson with a 30 round magazine, an M1A1 Thompson, another M1928A1 Thompson, and an M1 Garand.
The guards had some intense weapons as well, but that doesn't really help them out since Trinity manages to grab their guns. In the lobby shootout scene, a number of soldiers are armed with Franchi SPAS-12 shotguns, one of which is commandeered by Trinity and used against its original owner. The versions used by the soldiers have a solid fixed stock/pistol grip combination. One of them is seen firing the SPAS-12 in semi-auto mode -- a rare sight in movies. However, quick bursts of M16 fire are mistakenly dubbed over instead of the appropriate shotgun report.
Franchi SPAS-12 with fixed stock - 12 Gauge
Trinity kicks his SPAS-12, rolls it over his shoulder, and fires it into his back.
I love this movie. It's filled with action, adventure and amazing visuals. Futuristic cinematography and great dialogue make this film a slam dunk as it was ahead of it's time in both concept and storyline. The lobby scene can be viewed here but I recommend watching the whole film again and rooting against Agent Smith with a big bowl of popcorn. To see what other guns were used go check out
#2 The Matrix Reloaded: In 2003 The Wachowski Brothers presented us with this follow up film. This sequel was lighter with the gun fire but is heavily laced with other weaponry and even more intense martial arts sequences. In this film we find that Neo has a limited time frame to save the woman he loves as well as the world he now lives in. Let's not forget that this time he is facing Sentinels and he is still battling the now rogue Agent Smith in addition to the other Agents sent after this group of Sci-Fi vigilantes.
The scene I'd like to focus on is the opening of the film where Trinity is involved in a fire fight with an Agent. You can view the opening sequemce here but again, the whole film is worth the watch
Trinity opens the film by diving out of a high-rise office building's window while wielding two IMI Micro Uzis, firing them at a pursuing Agent. While falling Trinity catches a bullet and we see Neo flex his awesome powers.
Trinity fires a pair of IMI Micro Uzi's while falling from a window
This movie continues to deliver intense action scenes and we watch Neo and his crew fight bad guy after bad guy. Two of the baddest bad guys are albino twins with dreadlocks, they wield a couple guns as well in a chase scene on the freeway.
One of the Twins fires his Heckler & Koch UMP-45 at the protagonists in their Cadillac.
Thrills, kills and spills Reloaded keeps you on your toes. If you haven't seen this film, it's about time to do so. If you haven't watched it in awhile, it's time for a movie marathon. To see the other weapons used go to for more info.
#3 The Matrix Revolutions: Released only six months after Reloaded, this part of the trilogy opens with finding out Neo is now stuck in between two worlds. The film continues on to reveal that Agent Smith is still lurking and Zion is ready to go to war. Once again, the Wachowski Brothers serve up amazing graphics and tantalizing action scenes that feature skill, precision and gun fights within the first 30 minutes of the film. For me personally, the scene in Club Hell was my favorite in this film.
Trinity, Morpheus and Seraph ( from the second film) are trying to find out how to release Neo from his purgatory and decide to infiltrate a night club to get answers. You can watch this sequence here The gunfights that ensue happens while guards walk the ceiling and bullets are flying, it's complete chaos. Let's focus on our main characters, though.
During the standoff at the Club Hell, Morpheus can be seen with a Heckler & Koch P9S which he takes from one of the guards.
Morpheus holds the Heckler & Koch P9S on a guard armed with a Beretta 92FS.
Trinity begins a standoff in Club Hell by disarming one of the guards of his Beretta 92FS Brigadier Inox and holding it to the Merovingian's head, demanding Neo be freed from the train station.
Trinity holds the Brigadier Inox on the Merovingian
Neo makes it out of the train station only to be pushed in a million different directions to salvage what's left of his world. It's tough being "The One". For further info on all the weapons used in this movie go to and find out what other guns were used.
Do you have a favorite scene in these three movies??? Feel free to share in the comments section.
Labels: cinema, films, gun fights, guns in film, keanu reeves, movies, science fiction, the matrix, trilogy
Shawn in the Korengal Valley, Kunar Province, Afghanistan. |
For more info on these and other weapons
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